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Graduate record examination gre and toefl english foreign language tes - Nairobi

Posted by Musish Ventures - Private

06 Apr 2021 - 01:51


To register for the TOEFL, please visit room 407 4th floor Pioneer house (Tuskys Pioneer), Moi Avenue, Nairobi to fill your details and make payment. As an alternative, you may download a form through /musishregistratn.doc, fill and return with your proof of payment as a reply to this email communication. Registration costs Ksh (twenty three thousand shillings). Tuition is available for free at Upon registration completion, we provide a FREE Musish Ventures branded USB flash disk loaded with test preparation resources that are ETS and Barron's designed and recommended for candidate preparation. The drive contains the following:

- The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test, Fourth Edition
- Barron's TOEFL iBT Preparation Software
- TOEFL iBT Sampler
- TOEFL Test Prep Planner
- Inside the TOEFL Test CD
- TOEFL Resources CD
- A Sample Test
- Quick Prep (Volume 1 - 4)

Registration for the TOEFL is done in advance on a seat-available basis and seats are assigned on a first-come first serve basis. Candidates interested in the TOEFL should register as soon as they know that they have to take the test.
✔Do not forget to mention AFRIBABA during your call!

Posting ref : KE-A9812 computer

Courses, Tutoring, Training Language Classes

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